
gross structure meaning in Chinese



  1. Anatomie ( human anatomy ) : the study of the structrue of living organisms . in medicine it refers to the study of the form and gross structure of the human body
  2. In the paper , after analyzing the gross structure scheme of the antenna servo system , it is introduced how to design the digital control circuit and the control program
  3. [ garlan 94 ] : a critical aspect of the design for any large software system is its gross structure that is , its high - level organization of computational elements and interactions between those elements
  4. In this paper we have discussed in detail overall design of rotary type cracking - off machine , including comparison with the same kind of overseas equipment , arrangement of gross structure and determination of key technology
  5. From the progressively transmitted image codes , the client side can rebuild multi - resolution images from which point cloud surface series with different level of details can be rebuilt : the initial point cloud surface rebuilt from transmitted images has the gross structure of the original 3d model , and step by step , the rebuilt point cloud surfaces have more and more details until all the geometry images are transmitted out
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